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Websites to sell beats

Websites to sell your beats online in 2022

Times have changed and the beat game has changed too, now you don’t need to get signed or get a placement to start making money from your beats. With the vast growth of technology, all you need good beats and a good website to make money from selling beats. I will be mentioning the top 5 platforms to sell your beats online.

1. Youtube

Youtube still remains the number one marketplace for selling beats, being the second biggest search engine on the internet, youtube is not intending to slow down or die anytime soon. A lot might say that youtube is saturated but anyone can blow off youtube if they follow these guidelines we’ve put together to help upcoming producers to get success off youtube. Let’s not forget that beats for hits like Panda, Magniloa were discovered on youtube under the “Type Beat” tag. Beats on youtube can be sold in 2 ways on youtube, manually (via email) or automatically via a link that links to the beat, we will mention how to create the links on the next point. hardcover book mockupHere is a FREE Complete Guide to sell Beats on Youtube.

2. Beatstars

Founded by Abe Batshon in 2008, Beatstars is the number one leading marketplace for producers and artists, it is built by producers to help producers. This platform is a one-in-all for producers as it has features such as email marketing, Music distribution, Music publishing, Awards, and many more. Beatstars has a free plan and also a pro plan, a pro plan gives you a “Pro Page” which is a full website to sell beats, kits, and many for $19.99 a month. See Example. The free plan gives you a beatstore that can work together with youtube through a simple process. Beatstars is the best place to be if you want to grow as a beatmaker.

3. Airbit

Airbit is a global platform made for independent music makers to buy, sell and collaborate on beats. Airbit is a beat selling platform just like beatstars. Choosing between the two is a matter of preference as they provide almost the same features for selling beats. Airbit has a cool youtube content ID system

4. WordPress

When looking for a custom-beat-selling website, WordPress is the platform to go to as it provides unlimited functionality. Using WordPress in combination with beatstars or airbit, you will have a powerful website that sells beats with ease and also provide other custom functionality. For the website WordPress music producer themes, check out See the top 5 WordPress themes for beat selling website templates or themes.

5. Wix

Do you want to create a beat selling website without spending a cent?. Wix is very easy to use with its drag and drop design platform. Wix is equipped with free producer website templates that you can use to create your site. I have created a video for you that takes you through the steps of creating a beat selling website with Wix. Click here to get started

Its all up to you how you want to go about it but for quick results, YouTube is a great place to start, as long as you read the free guideline.

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